Hackers have stolen user data and money from Bithumb, one of the top five biggest Ethereum and Bitcoin cryptocurrency exchanges, the company said Friday.
해커들은 빗썸에서 유저 정보랑 머니를 털어갔다. 빗썸은 비코랑 이더 사이버거래소중 가장 큰 회사 중 하니인데 개 털렸다고 금요일에 말했다.
Bithumb said that the thieves stole a database of user information off the personal computer of an employee, rather than off the company's internal network. The attackers allegedly nabbed the names, email addresses, and mobile phone numbers (no passwords, apparently), of more than 31,800 customers, according to a Monday report from Yonhap, a South Korean news wire.
빗썸은 직원 개인 컴터를 통해서 개인 정보가 털렸다고 말했다. 해커들은 고객 신상을 털었는데 이 수가 31,800명에 달한다고 연합이란 한국 신문사에서 털었다.
After discovering the breach, which affects roughly 3% of the site's customers, Bithumb reported it to South Korean authorities on June 30, Yonhap said. The robbers have been targeting customers' accounts in an effort to drain their digital currency wallets. The hackers have allegedly made off with hundreds of millions of South Korean won, or tens of thousands of dollars worth of cryptocurrency, according to local media reports.
조사에 따르면 빗썸 사용자 3% 가 털렸는데 도둑들은 개인 디지털 지갑을 타겟하고 샷했다. 그리하여 털었다. 열라 많이
Bithumb said its corporate network had not been compromised and that the reason for the wallet thefts had to do with phishing attacks.
빗썸은 회사 네트워크가 털린건 아니고 피싱을로 개인 지갑을 털었단다.
"The employee PC, not the head office server, was hacked. Personal information such as mobile phone and email address of some users were leaked. However, some customers were found to have been stolen from because of the disposable password used in electronic financial transactions," the exchange said in statement, per a translation provided by Brave New Coin, a website that tracks digital currencies.
직원 피는 털렸지만 헤드 오피스 서버는 아니다. 개인 정보 폰넘버 이메일 같은게 털렸다고 했는데 몇몇 고객은 패스 워드도 털렸다.
Since the end of June Bithumb customers have been complaining about attacks in posts on Naver.cafe, a South Korean social media site. One person reported to have lost 1.2 billion won, although the Fortune was unable to be verify the claim.
네이버 까페라는 한국 소셜 미디어 사이트에 사람들이 털렸다고 컴플레인을 때려싿. 어떤 사람은 12억을 털렸단다. 클레임을 증명하긴 힘들지만.
Bithumb said in a Monday notice that it would reimburse victims of the data leak 100,000 won, or about $87, per person. The exchange said it would also compensate people for additional losses related to the attacks.
빗썸은 10만원씩 털린 사람들 보상해준단다. 그리고 추가족 보상도 또한 있을거라는데...
"For those who have suffered additional damage due to this incident, as soon as the amount of damages is confirmed, we will reimburse the entire amount of damages," Bithumb said in a note, rendered in English via Google Translate.
피해가 확실해 지면 추가적 피해에 대해서도 보상해준다네
Bithumb did not immediately respond to Fortune's request for additional information.
빗썸은 포츈에서 요청한 추가적인 정보에 대한 답변은 즉시 주지 않았어.
Bithumb is South Korea's top crypto exchange, and a leader globally for trading Ether, the cryptocurrency associated with the Ethereum computing network. The exchange rose to the number one spot globally in the days after due to increased trading activity.
빗썸은 한국 탑 사이버 거래소로 졸 잘나가지. 교환의 증가로 세계적으로 잘나갔어.
As the cryptocurrency sector booms, attackers are setting their sights on people's digital currency wallets. Two months ago hackers pilfered Yapizon, another South Korean crypto exchange, to the tune of 3,816.20 Bitcoin, or more than $5.5 million. Attackers have also been targeting Coinbase, one of the largest and most well-known cryptocurrency brokerages in the United States.
가상화폐 붐에 따라 해커들은 졸라 날 뛰는데. 두 달 전에는 야피존 이란 거래소도 털었어. 또한 해커들은 미국의 거래소도 노리는 중이라네.